investigations on brand and patent counterfeiting
The sale of counterfeit products is, today, a business with a turnover of millions of euro each year, strong of an ever growing demand, vast underground labor, and markets increasingly “sensitive” in this respect (South East Asia and Middle East) which are exporting and importing counterfeit products.
As demonstrated by recent statistics, Italy is at the forefront in Europe and the third in the world for marketing “fake” products – especially Tuscany, where companies often produce original products (textile, leather, footwear, watches, accessories, etc.), appears to be one of the regions in which this phenomenon is particularly acute.
The Agenzia Investigativa Pratese, together with FEDERPOL and the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF DETECTIVES INC, for years has been successfully operating in these areas of investigation (counterfeit trademarks/patents, industrial safety and security), both nationally and internationally, providing, with professionalism and competence, a number of qualified investigative services supporting companies, all in full compliance with the law on confidentiality and on the processing of personal data (legislative Decree 196/03) and all related norms.
We appreciate the attention and vigilance that your company dedicates to this regrettable and commercially deleterious practice; we are available to demonstrate to you our services of territory and of actual detective investigation, aimed at identifying sources of evidence of objective responsibility.