investigation for minor custody
The Agenzia Investigativa Pratese, associated with FEDERPOL and the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF DETECTIVES INC, operates through authorizations issued to its owner, Rodolfo Rapone (a Police Officer on leave), by the Administrative Police bodies responsible for the territory in consideration of certified and specific technical and professional skills, for the management of an investigations institute, provide information and research on behalf of individuals, pursuant to Art. 134 of the consolidated Laws of P.S., and for the exercise of investigative activities on behalf of defendants in criminal trials as provided under Art. 190 and 327 bis C.P.P. and ex Art. 38 and 222 of the Legislative Decree nr. 271 of the 28/07/1989.
The Agenzia Investigativa Pratese operates, in the above-mentioned sectors, at the national and international level. The Agency is able to guarantee several services and investigative information, with the aim to support firms, trade association and privates. In addition, the Agency provides its qualified services to law firm, business accountant, banks, insurance companies, public authorities and privates. The Agency offers complete info- investigative analysis, which allows the examination of contractual and administrative aspects. Furthermore thanks to the Agency’s services the client is able of: protect the technological and know-how assets, safeguard the credit, defend the brand, preserve the patent, evaluate the risk management and consider the possible legal action. All the services offered by the Agency respect the privacy, the current normative for the use of personal data (D.Lgs 196/03), and also the specific rules of the subject.