The Agenzia Investigativa Pratese, associated with FEDERPOL and the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF DETECTIVES INC, operates through authorizations issued to its owner, Rodolfo Rapone (a Police Officer on leave), by the Administrative Police bodies responsible for the territory in consideration of certified and specific technical and professional skills, for the management of an investigations institute, provide information and research on behalf of individuals, pursuant to Art. 134 of the consolidated Laws of P.S., and for the exercise of investigative activities on behalf of defendants in criminal trials as provided under Art. 190 and 327 bis C.P.P. and ex Art. 38 and 222 of the Legislative Decree nr. 271 of the 28/07/1989.
The Agenzia Investigativa Pratese, thorugh its owner, Rodolfo Rapone, is authorized by the Prato Prefecture (NR. 9416/22 - CL. 025.08) and by the Prato Police to conduct the following activities:
Investigations, providing information and research on behalf of individuals pursuant to ex Art. 134 of the Consolidated Laws of P.S. approved with R.D. 18.06.1931 nr. 773, as well as ex Art. 257 of approved regulation R.D. 06.05.40 nr. 635
Criminal investigations on behalf of the defendant, pursuant to the relevant laws and in particular ex Art. 38/222 C.P.P. (Art. 391 bis Law nr. 397 of the 07/12/2000)
Licence of P.S. Cat. 13/B Div. PAS, issued by the Prato Police for the recovery of credits